Kathy Groob seems to be ashamed of Kentucky
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Is 'The Politician' ashamed of Kentucky?

Looks like our favorite politician Kathy Groob has some explaining to do, Lucy.

While doing research for my new internet fan club that will be all about The Politician (since the KY politicos seem to enjoy her contradictive and pandering behavior), I've noticed that Groob's Facebook page lists her as being based in Cincinnati! What's wrong with Covington, Kentucky? [ Link ] + [ Link ]

This is the same politician who has a website that touts electing women to office, but was fast to throw Hillary Clinton overboard, long before the primary in Mrs. Groob's home state.

Crazy, huh?

KY political site rips
Groob to shreds >>

PageOneKentucky, the most popular online political site in the state -- read by just about every politico in Kentucky -- has torn Kathy Groob to shreds, limb by limb.

It all has to do with her threat to sue me.

"What a shame to learn Kathy has zero sense of humor. In my opinion, she's just one of the bitters who can't deal with accomplishing jack shiz politically in her old age. She's one, giant hypocrite," writes Jake Payne, publisher of the site.
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