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Cobb County continues its tradition of honoring excellent customer service with six award winners this quarter, each selected for continued dedication.

They were nominated for consistently going above and beyond the call of duty and providing exceptional customer service. THE FEW, THE PROUD: Cobb County Government recently honored its quarterly Customer Service award winners. From L, Gael Ingram, Betty Clarkbanks, Paula Price, David Scandrett, Sherry Walker, 3rd Quarter winner Sabrina Pemberton-Piper and Marghuerita Jones.

Betty Clarkbanks If you are a Cobb County employee waiting for a parking space in the deck, you will need a lot of patience, a little luck and you will need to know Betty Clarkbanks. Serving as the employee parking administrator is only a portion of her job as a human resources specialist. Whether she’s handling parking complaints, analyzing salary exceptions or explaining annual and sick leave policies, Clarkbanks consistently approaches these challenging tasks with a quiet, caring competence. Many times she has assisted others in navigating a computer system that does not always want to cooperate. Clarkbanks not only works her computer magic, but she shows others how to work the magic in the future. Gael Ingram Our next honoree is an excellent example of the customer service behind the customer service provided by the county Library System.

Gael Ingram, a 17-year veteran of Cobb’s Library System knows first hand the delicate balancing act of meeting both the needs of her department and the needs of Cobb residents.

Ingram is responsible for the timely and accurate ordering of $17,500,000 worth of books, materials, and equipment for the hundreds of thousands of County residents who use our libraries. Her job means working with fellow staff members, citizens and vendors, each requiring service above the norm. Ingram makes it all seem easy. Her involvement in the recent implementation of the serials and acquisitions modules of the integrated library system software was vital and probably saved 30-40 days of additional work. Gael works behind the scenes to make all our public service jobs that much easier.

Marghuerita Jones Our next award winner is a welcome sight at the Gritters Library Branch. As the Circulation Supervisor, Marghuerita Jones coordinates circulation desk communications and activities and manages this information hub. Patrons rave about her services and specifically seek her out for assistance. When a fellow co-worker retired, Jones assumed responsibility for the Orphan Audio Collection. By providing this service to other branches, the library system can provide more effective audio services to patrons. In the 15 years she has worked for the library system, Jones has provided professional, courteous and genuine service often under hectic and stressful conditions. Whether it means having books ready when patrons arrive, or dropping what she’s doing to provide a helping hand, Jones is committed to service and is an excellent customer service ambassador.

Paula Price The next award winner has been with the Tax Commissioner’s Current Collections Department since November 2002. In that time she has become known as the go-to person and the research pro.

As a Public Services technician, Paula Price has taken the task of researching returned, undeliverable mail to a higher level of professionalism.

Her ability to discover and convey accurate information in a highly efficient manner and her knowledge of homestead exemptions is known, not only in Cobb County, but also in other municipalities across Georgia and Florida. The staff in these other municipalities know they can contact Price directly to get the assistance they need in a timely manner.

David Scandrett Our next award winner delivers continued superior service as a valued member of the Water System. As a crew chief, David Scandrett must adapt daily to changing conditions and water issues.

His outstanding level of customer service goes into action to minimize any disruption in service for Water System customers. In some instances, customers are actually unaware of an issue because Scandrett and his crew work to anticipate problems. His attention to detail and his level of courtesy is evident in all that he does.

He regularly goes out of his way to assist fellow crews, all in an effort to maintain, if not surpass, the high level of service the Water System is known for. Scandrett is a team leader and leads by example. He takes pride in his work and it shows.

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