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    Living and
    working along the lake

    Cleveland, located in the Eastern Standard Time Zone in the state of Ohio, is on the southern shore of Lake Erie, part of the Great Lakes Region, the country's largest fresh water resource.

    The Greater Cleveland area extends 100 miles along the Lake Erie shoreline and more than 40 miles inland.

    Often cited as a model for urban rebirth and named one of the top 10 international visitor hotspots by Travel and Leisure magazine, the City of Cleveland, located on the shores of Lake Erie, has truly lived up to its image as the New American City.

    Cleveland's success story today is fueled by an on-going commitment to growth and a global vision for the future.

    In fact, Fortune magazine ranked Greater Cleveland as one of the 10 best cities for business in North America, Places Rated Almanac named the city the nation's #2 destination for recreation and Partners For Livable Communities named Cleveland one of four "most livable cities" in the United States this decade! Most recently, USA Today named Cleveland one of 10 great places to take a hike in the big city.

    Search for new homes in the Cleveland MLS houses for sale database now!

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    Keywords: Cleveland new homes, Cleveland OH new homes,
    Cleveland homebuilders, Cleveland OH homebuilders, Cleveland home builders, Cleveland OH home builders, Cleveland builders

    Cleveland homes Cleveland new homes

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